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The MIT Oracle 11gR2 client is a silent installer that installs the Administrator client in a standard, Windows-based location and configures a connection to the MIT Oracle Internet Directory Server. The Oracle Internet Directory Server provides lookup information for many MIT databases, including the Data Warehouse. It allows BrioQuery to connect to the Data Warehouse.

How to obtain


Oracle 11gR2 is licensed for use by MIT faculty and staff on MIT-owned and personal machines.


  • For most users: 32-bit (auto installer)
    Note: This version of Oracle 11gR2 must be extracted/unzipped. Once that has been completed, go to the folder where the files are extracted and run "install_ll_2_g_client.exe" and then reboot and install BrioQuery 6.6 for Windows.
  • For advanced users only: 64-bit (auto-installer) Important: This download does NOT work with BrioQuery
  • 32-bit (manual installer): For troubleshooting purposes or users who desire a custom install


About this Version 

The MIT Oracle 11gR2 client components include:

  • Full Administrator client installation, which includes the JDBC drivers.
  • SQL*Net
  • ASO (Advanced Security Option)
  • Oracle ODBC drivers
  • SQL*Plus
  • MITAnsSeedGenerator, a Java program that generates a unique random seed for SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED value (deleted upon completion of the installation)
  • Microsoft documentation